Terms of service

Please read the T.O.S carefully before commissioning. I will not be responsible for any misconception if you do not read my TOS thoroughly.

❖General Info❖

❖ You are only purchasing the digital file. Not the printed art and it is made clear by this form that you are aware of it.❖ You'll have access to WIP's of the work once it has been started (Personally I'll send you the initial sketch letting you know I drew it).❖ I'll send the illustration to you in high resolution (via email). I'll publicly post that piece in a lower resolution. Please, avoid uploading the large version publicly and reserve it for yourself.❖ Sometimes it might be a little delay on posting illustrations done in my networks, I also reserve the right to keep some in private, however you'll always receive the commission with high resolution.❖ I recommend saving a copy of the illustration in your networks, computer or some accessible site. In case it happens that I delete the file from my files.❖ If you want to order an illustration for commercial use, remember that these are subject to an extra percentage at the usual price. The following cases are considered as commercial use:

♦ When you receive profit in the medium where you're using it and/or as a way to get attention. Using the commission as publicity (either for yourself, online shops, Patreon or Youtube banners, or for a project, including "free" ad-based projects, business cards...) or as a secondary part of a product, such as art for sites like YouTube or Twitch, website decoration, etc.♦ Reproducing and selling the artwork. The commission is a primary component of a product (like game art) or is sold directly, such as putting it on stickers/pillows/etc and selling that.

❖ I reserve the rights of increasing the price if you want a high detailed drawing.❖ I reserve the right to reject your request if I don't consider it appropriate to do so or if you've been problematic with me or other artists.❖ I reserve the right to reject your request if your account has been created recently. Your account must be, at least, 1 month of usage.❖ My work will always be subject to the style that I handle normally.❖ Even if the provided reference of your character has a color palette section, I'll probably modify them a bit to make them fit my style (it's just a slight change). However, if you want me to stick to them, please specify it on the form.❖ As an artist, my art is constantly evolving, so there might be slight differences between the samples in my gallery and the illustration you will receive (lineart style, coloring method, composition...). They are very slight changes, but please keep that in mind.❖ I'll work as best as I can, but you're the one who have to make sure that whatever you order is suitable with my style so you can avoid any dissatisfaction in the future. Browse around my gallery for samples as much as you need.❖ By purchasing any of my services you're automatically accepting my Terms and Conditions and committing to comply with them. As well as promising that you won't ask Paypal for any refund of the payment, either totally or partially.

❖Copyright / Usage policy❖

❖ As the artist I have all the rights over the illustration, so I can do with it what you think is necessary, as long as you have not paid for a private commission, in which case I'll ask you for permission to publish it in certain sites, permits that you can deny. If it's not private, I can, for example:♦ Post/display the picture anywhere I want (giving you proper credit as the owner of the characters).
♦ Promote myself with it in any place.
♦ Offer the digital files on Patreon or similar sites.
❖ As a commissioner you may:♦ Repost the art on other sites with proper credit to my gallery or page (with no profit purposes). I will appreciate if you only repost the small low resolution version of the artwork that I will provide.♦ Print the art and even make whatever merchandising you want as long as it's only for your personal use and not for sale.♦ Use it as decoration for your deviantART profile, Facebook avatar, Discord... as long as it's a personal account and you're not making any profit with it.♦ If it is an adoptable or an auction, you have to remain subject to the specifications given at the time of thesale.❖ You are NOT ALLOWED to:
♦ Change, modify, trace or use my works without my permission.
♦ Reproduce the copyrighted artwork commercially (meaning making money of it).
♦ Take credit for the art.
♦ Remove my watermarks /signatures.
♦ use any of my art for NFT or anything related to the Blockchain. Doing so will get you permanently banned and your name/nickname will or may be publicly posted for others to watch out.
❖ If you wish for your commission to not be uploaded anywhere on the internet I'll charge an extra 30% fee of the total price. If by any case you wish to "un-private" that commission in the future (so you can upload it somewhere), you just have to send me a note or message, however there will be no refunds for the extra private fee.


❖ I'll only accept Paypal.
❖ I require full payment before I start the artwork or add you on the waiting list.
❖ I'll send you the invoice of your commission or my PayPal email and it is through that you'll make the payment. Once the payment has been made and everything is correct, you'll be added to my "TO DO LIST".
❖ Don't send me any kind of payment until I have confirmed I can accept your commission. Always wait for my instructions first (In case of donations you can let me know or add a note to the transaction).
❖ Sometimes I`ll consider taking the payment when I show you the sketch, but this is only in special cases.
❖ For auctions: DO NOT retract yourself or you may be blocked.
♦ On your first problematic transaction you'll receive a simple verbal warning.
♦ The next time you behave problematic you'll be blocked and lose any future opportunities to buy art from me.

❖About Backgrounds❖

❖ Simple backgrounds are included in the price of every illustration. But you are totally free to decide whether you want it or not. Chibies will usually be delivered in a PNG file.Simple backgrounds means they are plain color(s), gradient backgrounds with some textures and/or tiny ornamentations.❖ Complex backgrounds, such as detailed cities, forest, landscapes, etc... are not included in the price.

❖Working Speed❖

❖ I'll try to complete your commission as fast as possible, but still be patient, please. The estimated time of waiting (for a single illustration) is about 1-4 months from the moment I start working on your illustration. If you have ordered more than one illustration or there are other orders ahead of yours, the waiting time will be longer. You can keep an eye on my TO DO LIST whenever you want to see your order state.❖ I tend to work when I feel most motivated so that your commission is done properly and with best effort!❖ I'll always inform you if something comes up and there is a delay with the art.DON'T RUSH ME. Each commission takes time and I try to work at an appropriate flow/environment for me. There may also be some works on the list ahead of you. You can follow the progress of the artwork through my TO DO LIST and request WIPS from your commission once it has started, however there will be a limit of revisions depending on the work.❖ If you need your commission to be made by a certain date (example; the commission is a birthday present for someone) you must state it in the form. An extra fee of 50% may be charged due to giving your commission priority.


❖ Once the picture is finished, I can do small changes such as color adjustments and/or adding tiny details I may have forgotten.❖ I'll accept a maximum of 2 important changes (Such as an outfit change, outfit addition or subtraction, background change or anything that makes me have to redraw parts of the picture). After the 2nd change I have the right to decline any further changes or charging you an extra fee per every change.DO NOT ABUSE OF THE CHANGES. I’ll charge an extra fee after 3 changes.❖ If your reference was unclear to start with, then you are not allowed to do minor changes without a fee. Make sure to be clear in your order what you aim for and the changes you want to make.

❖Commission Process❖

❖ Once the payment has been made, you'll be added in my TO DO LIST and once your turn has arrived I'll make a sketch that will be delivered to you by a note and uploaded in any cloud.❖ If you agree with the submitted sketch, you must approve it and that way I'll finish the commission. If not, please try to indicate in detail the changes you wish to make.❖ The client has a period of 7 days to approve or reject the sketch, once this term has expired, if the client doesn't respond I'll finish the commission based on the sketch that
was delivered and NO complaints are accepted.
❖ To make the sketch I'll use the references that you have sent me. Please, I require the references to be concise, I do NOT accept stories as references for scenes. If you think it is necessary to describe it, you should quote the text and not send me the whole story.


NO refunds of any kind are made. Either partial or complete of the amount agreed between both sides. If you don't feel sure about asking for the commission, please don't do it.❖ If you file a chargeback against me on Paypal, your right to everything I have ever made for you will be retracted and I reserve the right to sell the copyrighted artwork to new buyers.● Also note that you will be blocked and you won't be able to purchase anything from me anymore (commissions, adopts...).● Your name/nickname will/may be publicly posted everywhere for others to watch out.

Press "I accept" button if you have read, understand and agree to the Terms of Service.

Terms and conditions based on Wosda’s T.O.S
This document may be modified if the artist considers it necessary.
Last updated on 11/28/2022.